

The maturity stage generally requires the least amount of outsourced services by the MCM Value Management team with respect to supporting the day-to-day operations.  At this mature stage, companies are generally reporting attractive and sustainable revenue growth, they have a diverse customer base, they are cash flow positive and are profitable.  However, the company may recognize some deficiencies in the business that need addressing.  Likewise, companies need to aggressively react to shifting trends in the capital markets, changes in their respective industry, overall market conditions, or macroeconomic factors in the global economy.  MCM Value Management and company management may decide to tweak the business plan, raise additional capital, hire more workers, build another facility, or consider other market opportunities.  However, depending on the unique circumstances surrounding the business, the company may choose to investigate restructuring the balance sheet or execute an overall corporate restructuring which would require considerable assistance by the MCM Value Management team.