
M & A Integration

At MCM Value Management, we acknowledge that combining two or more previously independent companies into one can be extremely complicated.  Many M&A transactions that appeared bright on paper do not deliver the anticipated potential value.  The problem often arises from poorly conceived and executed post deal integration.  Many times, there is a disconnect between the professionals that evaluated and signed the deal and the business managers who inherit the new organization.  Many times the managers who were not involved early in the process do not have the necessary skills or experience to effectively manage the integration. 

At MCM Value Management, we are there at every step to ensure continuity and effective M&A integration.  Our team is experienced with streamlining integration between the existing company and the newly-acquired asset.  We believe that preparation for integration should begin during the pre-M&A phase.  Following the deal, we conduct thorough operational reviews, including reviews of anticipated synergies, economies of scale, and human resource management.  From there, we focus on business improvement; bringing to bear all of our complimentary financial services to foster a controlled and value-driven integration.